NELHA Entrance Reconstruction
The Keahole Airport Road intersection is scheduled for demolition and construction July 17th through July 21st. The traffic sig-nal will be flashing yellow lights and traffic flow through the intersection and in/out of the airport will be controlled by police offic-ers/flaggers 24 hours a day.
Work at this intersection is expected to affect traffic on Queen Ka’ahumanu high-way and delays are expected entering/exiting Kona International Airport July 18th through July 20th. Please help GBI keep the community and our workers safe by adhering to all posted construction speed limits and using extra caution when traveling through this area.
Construction is scheduled at the OTEC intersection July 24th through July 28th. Work at this intersection should have mi-nor impacts on Queen Ka’ahumanu high-way traffic but will delay traffic flow in and out of the OTEC/NELHA area.